Monthly Women’s Wisdom Circles

Beginning in September 2024, Persephone Zill will lead Monthly Women’s Wisdom Circles

Give yourself a much-needed timeout. Take this sacred time monthly to learn, expand, inspire and thrive. 

In the circle, we will move, breathe, journal and meditate together. We will work to dissolve and heal the blocks within yourself, and those you may have created with others, consciously or unconsciously. Embody the changes that you are seeking. 

Leave with new and inspired energy from being held and loved with other amazing local women. This is your sacred space for monthly self care, self discovery and supportive community. 

Bring your friends, your mother, your sister… this is open to all females or those who identify as female, 18 years of age or older. 

Wisdom Circles: 
(2 hour circle, September - December 2024)

Subscribe below to receive an email this fall about the upcoming 2024 circles.


Modern Day Persephone Article


Available for Speaking Engagements