
Find greater life purpose and meaning
Achieve work/life balance
Recover from grief and loss
Create renewal and better balance

The Process

We work together to access the inner power, strength and clarity that is within you already. Through collaboration, we tap into the most authentic aspects of you allowing for insights and a clear direction forward. You will receive a customized tool kit to help you work through the challenges and obstacles you face so you can create what you most desire in your life.

Personalized coaching typically includes:

  • Deep listening

  • Soul exploration

  • Intuitive guidance

  • Healing energy

  • Goal setting

  • Plans of action


  • Change habits to ones that support your goals

  • Develop an inner champion

  • Find purpose and authenticity

  • Develop courage for goals

  • Heal from loss

  • Experience calm and peace

Make an appointment for a coaching session, or to discuss your needs for a spiritual ceremony, workshop or talk.

“Thank you so much for your wisdom today. I really appreciate your insight and willingness to help me build a spiritual container where I can flourish. I meditated on our conversation and am working to integrate it all… I know that my career path will unfold as much as I can just allow it to.” 
– Kate 

Book a Complimentary Consultation

Sign up for a free 20-minute discovery session to explore your needs.